The workout that improves your sex life

Looking to improve your sex life? A new study suggests you get your Downward Dog on.

Yoga has a whole host of health benefits: hypertension, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux and more. Now a new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine finds that practicing yoga regularly may also boost your libido.
According to Anna Davies of, researchers followed 41 women between the ages of 30 and 60 who were suffering from obesity or high blood pressure and had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Half of the women went through a 12-week yoga program while the other half were assigned to a control group.
Davies reported that at the end of the 12 weeks, “the women who did yoga experienced more signs of arousal, including more lubrication, than the women who had been placed in the control group.”
So how did yoga get them in the mood? Ray Sahelian, M.D., author of Natural Sex Boosters, shared some insight:
“High blood pressure and high blood sugar, both symptoms of metabolic syndrome, can interfere with circulation, which means that blood flow is compromised to all organs, including pelvic organs,” said Sahelian. “A yoga program can help increase blood flow.”

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